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As some of you might already know, last friday was my last day of work for Tri-enniuM (and ergo, Reuters and KBC). I went to say goodbye at our head-office in Rotterdam on the 25th, gave a farewell drink for the collegues at KBC on the 26th, and finally left the company on the 28th. It’s still somewhat strange, being that this was my first job after leaving school. Oh well, we move on in life…

During my farewell drink I was pleasently surprised by Reuters: they gave me a bag of Reuters goodies (yeah, yeah, I can hear you people already, but they’re nice and I appreciate the gesture and they’ll come in handy!)

Reuters Gifts

From the people of the bank, I got a gift certificate for Media Markt… very bad for my own wallet too :p
Gift certificate

It’s a bit sad to think that my own company didn’t bother to give anything - I hadn’t expected it, but while the people that I only worked with - not for - bothered, it highlights one of the reasons why I decided to leave: lack of any kind of caring for your employees. For those that are wondering: the other reasons I decided to change jobs is the lack of actual work and diversity in it. Oh, and also the fact that they still don’t get the Belgian legislation right…

Enough about the past! The future is bright, it’s CTG ;) (but only starting 2nd of november, I’m taking a month off in between)
