1 minute read

Here’s a short how-to to get the iodine dns tunnel working on your Mac.

In this short howto, I’ll assume you’ll be using a linux server to act as your gateway to the world. I’ll also assume you’ve read the iodine documentation and setup your DNS accordingly. For my example, I’ll be using a (nonexistant) DynDNS.org static DNS entry, iodine.rulestheworld.tld. I’ll also assume that you’ll be using a public internet address of, and a private subnet of

  1. Install the tun/tap driver for Mac OS X. Easy as doing *click* *click* done! :p
  2. Next, install iodine on your Mac. Easy as download, extract, and typing make; make install
  3. Now, install iodine on your linux box. It’s included in the package repositories of the usual suspects, for instance debian: apt-get install iodine. Start it (or configure it to use) with:
    iodined -P <password> <unused private IP> <dns name>
    or in our example:
    iodined -P mypass iodine.rulestheworld.tld

    This should return the following:

    > Opened dns0  
    > Setting IP of dns0 to  
    > Setting MTU of dns0 to 1024  
    > Opened UDP socket  
    > Listening to dns for domain iodine.rulestheworld.tld
  4. Configure your linux box for IP forwarding: sysctl -e net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 (and add this to your /etc/sysctl.conf file), and configuring your firewall (iptables) for masquerading:
    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
  5. Next, download NStun.sh, a very handy script that does all the hard work of changing the routes and so on :p You’ll want to change the script: change the first lines as the script reads, and lower, change the
     NS=\`grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf|head -1|awk '{print $2}'\`

    line to read


Now, start NStun.sh on your Mac, and surf away! (well, slowly, but freely, atleast!)
