less than 1 minute read

I bought an Elgato EyeTV Hybrid a while back, and I was using the tvtv.co.uk service to get my EPG (Electronic Program Guide) data.

This, however, and unfortunately, stopped updating for Belgian channels on the 1st of january. Shitty, since I use that data to have EyeTV automatically record stuff for me. I’ve contacted tvtv, no reaction sofar.

Since the EyeTV has no other built-in EPG data supplier that I can use, I looked for an XMLTV grabber for Belgium. The grabbers that existed unfortunately didn’t work anymore because they depend on the Teveblad.be website, which no longer allows screenscrapers. Bummer.

Fortunately, thanks to the magical interwebs, I stumbled on mc2xml, a Media Center TV Listings to XMLTV convertor. It downloads media center, titantv, or schedules direct tv listings and outputs an XMLTV formatted xml file, which I can feed to EyeTV. And now I have my schedule info again! ;)
